Class: AnyOfNode


new AnyOfNode(){AnyOfNode}

The AnyOfNode class represents a validation where the value must be one or more of the validation nodes

AnyOfNode instance.



One or more validation nodes must be satisfied for the provided value

Name Type Description
validations array

an array of validation nodes

// Create a AnyOf validator for string validations

assert = require('assert'),
  Compiler = require('vitesse').Compiler,
  StringNode = require('vitesse').StringNode,
  IntegerNode = require('vitesse').IntegerNode,
  AnyOfNode = require('vitesse').AnyOfNode;

var string1 = new StringNode(null, null, {typeCheck:true})
  .addValidation({$gte: 5, $lte: 100});

var integer1 = new IntegerNode(null, null, {typeCheck:true})
  .addValidation({$gte: 100, $lte: 1000});

var schema = new AnyOfNode()
  .addValidations([string1, integer1]);

var compiler = new Compiler({});
// Compile the AST
var func = compiler.compile(schema, {});

// Validate {}
var results = func.validate({});
assert.equal(1, results.length);
assert.equal("value does not match any of the schema's in the anyOf rule", results[0].message);
assert.deepEqual(['object'], results[0].path);
assert.ok(results[0].rule === schema);

// Validate ''
var results = func.validate('4444');
assert.equal(1, results.length);
assert.equal("value does not match any of the schema's in the anyOf rule", results[0].message);
assert.deepEqual(['object'], results[0].path);
assert.ok(results[0].rule === schema);

// Validate string 'xxxxxx'
var results = func.validate(200);
assert.equal(0, results.length);


Generate the code for this node

Name Type Description
context object

the generation context for this node


Return the current object path

array containing the path to this node


Type check value

Name Type Description
typeCheck boolean

type check value

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